According to the National Institute of Health, positive social habits can help you build support systems and stay healthier mentally and physically. Even though it is summer, and most places are experiencing heat, it is important to get outside to build relationships in your community that will help you lead a healthy life!
Continuing with AFSPA’s theme of Physical Health Leads to Better Mental Wellness – A Link to a Better You, below are some suggestions for summer activities that can help you with your physical health and wellness!
Go to Your Local Farmer’s Market
Do you want a way to support a local business? Check out the farmer’s market in your town for produce, meats, or bread. This is a great way to experience fresh air, meet new people, and choose healthier food options.
Walk to Your Local Coffee Shop
If you work from home and want a change of scenery, meet up with a friend to walk to a coffee shop near you.
Group Exercise Class Outside
Group exercise classes have become incredibly popular in the last few years. Lots of exercise groups host workouts outside in the summertime. Find a group that works out in the morning to beat the heat later in the day!
Head to Your Public Library
Public libraries usually have events all summer long for children and adults. If you are looking for a new book club, a fun activity, or new people to meet, head down to the library for more than just reading!
Join a Walking Group
If you are looking for easy exercise, but are not sure where to start, this might be for you. Check out your social media to see if any walking groups are near you.
Take a Cooking Class
Do you want to eat healthier, but are not sure what to cook? A cooking class can teach you what foods to buy at the grocery store and how to cook healthier without breaking the bank!
Start a Garden
Another way to incorporate healthy foods into your diet is to start a garden in your backyard. If starting your own garden sounds too hard, find a community garden in your area to meet new people and learn from them!
Members enrolled in the Foreign Service Benefit Plan have access to various wellness programs to help reach their physical and mental wellness goals. Learn about our programs here.
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