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  • New Teledenstristry App Available for Members enrolled in Dominion National

New Teledenstristry App Available for Members enrolled in Dominion National

AFSPA members enrolled in Dominion National can now receive a dental consultation, including virtual exams and second opinions, without leaving their home or office. Enrolled members are eligible for the new teledentistry program through an innovative, easy-to-use mobile app provided by Dominion National’s partner DigiBite.

This new teledentistry solution provides increased convenience and access to care with a licensed dentist, helps catch certain dental problems early and promotes good oral health.

Here’s how it works:

  • Download the DigiBite app in the App Store or Google Play and set up an account.
  • Complete an oral health questionnaire, upload any supporting documents and photos and either schedule a live video consultation or submit a request for an offline virtual consult through the app.
  • View a personalized treatment plan and report within 48 hours, including any recommended follow-up care at a dental office.

We hope you will take advantage of this exciting new resource we are offering to help you on your path to wellness. Click here to learn more.

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